Tunisia’s Popular Front Leader Assassinated

As a result the prime minister has dissolved the government and created a government of “national unity” until another bogus election can be held.

It is significant that international capital has engineered the coming to power of Islamist governments in those countries where popular rebellions toppled their puppet regimes. Somewhere Bakunin is screaming “I told you so.”

According to Global Voices, the teachers’ union has called a strike.

Why was he killed? It’s more likely that international capital had no faith that this government could hold back the tide of protests sweeping Tunisia and was looking for a pretext to replace it, than he was killed for his political beliefs, which were pretty banal and non-threatening. But who knows.

Here are some photos of the protests: http://nawaat.org/portail/2013/02/06/tunisie-assassinat-de-chokri-belaid-les-photos-dune-journee-de-deuil-qui-a-mal-tourne/

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